Ancient Siam (Muang Boran) – What makes it the best place for a Day trip when in Bangkok?
When we decided on a South East Asia trip last December, Bangkok was our obvious choice to end the year on a high and happy note. Bangkok offers so many options in terms of sightseeing, shopping, leisure, amusement, and adventure that several weeks can fall short if you wish to…
Our Vietnamese Wedding (Renewal of Vows)- #becausemarryingyouonceisntenough
The idea of having a Vietnamese wedding stuck my mind when I was reading through an article that explained how elaborate and beautiful the customs and traditions are. A proper wedding is an extravagant affair spanning a few days consisting of several ceremonies like asking permission to receive the bride,…
Norway In a Nutshell – Is it worth exploring in a day
A monstrous snow-clad mountain stood ahead of us. The only thing that laid between us and the mountain was the highway and a small flowing stream across the road which we could only hear. A frisson ran through my spine as if we were the only two souls in the…
How to explore Siem Reap in one Day – All you need to Know
One early morning, lifting the dark misty blanket of night as the Sun peeked through; uncovering the silhouette of a sandstone temple structure with lotus-bud shaped towers, creating a surreal reflection in the moat nearby; it gave the impression of divinity. The hues of the sky at the crack of…
Singapore – A detailed itinerary of all you can do in 4 days
The previous day's disappointment turned to our favor because when we finally stepped into the capsule and the glass door closed behind our back, we realized it was only two of us in the entire capsule. This was a fortuitous moment and we were on cloud nine. As the capsule…
Copenhagen in a day
A faint glowing line slowly appeared through the darkness in the horizon. I looked out of the window watching the first rays of Sun come up wondering how long before we land. A sense of exhilaration filled me as I thought about the whole impromptu decision of making it to…
Singapore: What makes this tiny nation one of the most visited destination on the planet?​
We were standing on the edge of a boat shaped rooftop on a 57th storey building. As far as the eyes stretched, we could see the panoramic view of a world class city. On one side the golden rays of the setting sun gleamed on the cluster of skyscrapers and…
Icy winter of Iceland: A complete guide on planning and surviving your next trip to one of the World’s most expensive country
“Ăžetta reddast” (pronounced thet-ta red-ahst) the Icelandic Credo which translates to “everything will work out in the end” is a phrase which most Icelanders believe in. A notion that will always uplift your heart and mind with optimism and hope whenever you’re in doubt and facing challenges in life. One…
The worst beginning to a best ever journey – What could go wrong on your first trip?
Jan 27 2018– As I set my foot out of the Helsinki airport, a gust of strong icy cold wind hit my face. It was the end of January and deep winter in the Nordic. The entire landscape had turned monochromatic due to snow. That was the first snowfall we…
From Sunset Cruise to Bizarre Delicacies-Things that makes Seychelles unique among all other Island destinations
Seychelles is a place which has something to offer to all kind of travelers. Whether you wish to just stroll along the sparkly white sands or snorkel/dive into glitzy ocean to explore the straggling coral reefs, whether you choose to spend a day relaxing amidst the splendour of your luxurious…